The NAMWOLF NEWS Bites column is a new feature of the newsletter. This column is a rundown of NAMWOLF community news, and features news and messages from the Practice Area Committees (“PACs”) and other committees. We encourage PACs and committees to contribute to this NEWS Bites column in the future.
NAMWOLF proudly congratulates Lynn Luker for her appointment by Order of the Louisiana Supreme Court as Judge Pro Tempore, Civil District Court, Parish of Orleans. As a result, effective August 14, Lynn resigned as Chair of NAMWOLF to focus on her full time prestigious judge position. The Parish of Orleans is certainly fortunate to have her on the bench, and we all wish Lynn the best of luck!
The Board unanimously elected Robin Wofford as the new Chair of NAMWOLF’s Board of Directors. As Robin recently said to the Board: “We have an incredible Board leading this organization and I look forward to celebrating our accomplishments this year and moving forward in a collaborative fashion as we become the model for what true diversity and inclusion means in the legal profession.” The Board also elected two new Vice Chairs – Carla Fields Johnson and Justi Rae Miller. NAMWOLF is very happy to have Robin, Carla and Justi in these roles.
NAMWOLF announces two new PACs: the White Collar Defense and Internal Investigations PAC, which consists of law firms and attorneys that have significant experience in government-initiated investigations and internal investigations; and the Products Liability PAC, which is a collaborative group of seasoned attorneys located in all major U.S. geographic areas providing a myriad of legal services from pre-litigation counseling about product recalls to complex, mass tort litigation and class actions.
The Board recently appointed the following new Co-Chairs of PACs and other committees: Danielle Linert and Lisa Hamasaki were appointed the new Co-Chairs of the Labor & Employment Law Practice Area Committee (“L&E PAC”). Susan Brune and Preston Pugh were appointed Co-Chairs of the new White Collar Defense and Internal Investigations PAC. Nancy J. Mertzel was appointed the new Co-Chair of the Intellectual Property Practice Area Committee (“IP PAC”). Nancy joins Mohammad Rahman as chairs of the IP PAC. Zalika Pierre was appointed as a new Co-Chair for the Emerging Leaders Initiative (“ELI”). Zalika joins Jeremy Piccini as chairs of the ELI, which is comprised of attorneys working for NAMWOLF law firm members who have been practicing law for 15 years or less. Rose Hager and Lisa Love were appointed as Co-Chairs of the Transactional PAC. Cheryl Nicolson and Deborah Lewis were appointed Co-Chairs of the new Products Liability PAC. John Murdock will be succeeding Justi Miller as the new Chair of the Development Committee.
NAMWOLF welcomes new employee Renecca Allen to the Chicago office!
In July 2014, NAMWOLF launched a new and enhanced website. The website greatly enhances the law firm search capability by state, practice area and other areas of importance to in-house. In addition, it is aesthetically a lot more pleasing to peruse – please take the time to check it out at
Save the Date: NAMWOLF’s Business Meeting will be held in San Antonio, Texas on February 8-10, 2014. The business meeting will include PAC sessions, in-house counsel sessions, our Inclusion Initiative session, committee meetings and many networking opportunities.
Please contact co-chair of the Newsletter Committee, Jamie Rudman, at with news contributions.
Please contact co-chair of the Newsletter Committee, Jamie Rudman, at with news contributions
Angela H. France, a business litigation partner at PCT Law Group, PLLC in Alexandria, Virginia.