Time Event and description Other info

1:00 p.m. - 2:35 p.m.

Accept It: Culture and Branding Are All That Matter

A discussion of why firms must prioritize the importance of knowing and articulating brand and firm culture. How important is brand association and brand loyalty in regard to client service and business development? We have heard law firm leaders say that culture doesn’t matter, yet GCs and in-house counsel think differently, putting us in a culture conundrum in competition with best practices. Branding is a promise. Are you aware of what matters to clients or lateral recruits, and are you promising what they want/need? Join the discussion as we explore why culture and brand awareness are priority one — always.

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Terry Isner, Jaffe

1:00 p.m. - 2:35 p.m.

The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Conversational AI to Develop Your Firm’s Culture of Innovation and Drive the Growth Mindset 

We know all aspects of a law firm are becoming digital, customer’s find attorney’s by searching in a digital search engine like Bing or Google. They engage with attorney’s using digital tools like extranet platforms, most of the content that an attorney reviews in today’s world is digital. So every attorney firm is looking to digitally transform their business to grow revenue or make themselves operationally efficient with the use of digital tools. However, digital transformation in law firms just like any other industry should start with the employees. A law firm typically has a lot of smart attorneys, one of the keys to success as a firm is to digitally engage them with the firm and drive knowledge sharing, personalize content that is directed towards them and make sure firmwide information is available at the tip of everyone’s finger. This will drive institutional knowledge and IP for the firm, which will drive both operational efficiency and growth. Today firms have a lot of options to chose from in order to implement a digital workplace that can help with the above strategy.

Sponsored by:


Abhishek Pakhira, Chief Operating Officer, Aureus Tech Systems

Beth Fulkerson, Culhane Meadows

2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Practical Solutions For Creating & Sustaining Profitability In Your Law Firm

Let’s get real with conversations around money, the lies we tell ourselves about it, the habits we develop around it, and how your firm makes, spends, and keeps it. Learn how to gain control of your cash and extract profits from your firm in a way that optimizes tax positioning while balancing profitability. 

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Chelsea Williams, Chief Financial Architect, Core Solutions Group, Inc.

2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

How To Grow Your Law Firm Through Ethical Marketing 

Join this session to learn best practices for law firm marketing that take your ethical obligations as a lawyer into consideration. In this course, we will cover everything from industry trends to a deep-dive into the practical tips and tools that will help your law firm grow. Join to learn:

  • The state of law firm marketing and common mistakes
  • The ethics and rules related to law firm marketing and client communication
  • How automation and marketing tools can streamline client intake, and help reduce potential for malpractice
  • How to create a marketing funnel that generates more revenue for your firm
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Emma Raimi-Zlatic, Clio

4:25 p.m. - 5:35 p.m.

“If You Build It, They Will Come” Making Your Business Development Game a Field of Dreams: Spring Training Tools to Take Back to Your Firm  

In this interactive “Spring Training” session, we’ll pitch overviews of three business development tools proven to be winners:

  • Make your BD framework SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-sensitive) to avoid random acts of marketing
  • Make it a (friendly) competition: motivate your lawyers to get involved with BD through gamification
  • Make it about your clients: how to improve service to current clients by conducting post-matter feedback interviews. 

You’ll have a chance to practice these new strategies on the spot and can then take them back to your firm to implement and improve your business development batting average.

Sponsored by:

Marketing Best Practices Committee



Jamie Cotera, Co-Founder, Compass Legal Marketing
Aleesha Khan, Co-Founder, Compass Legal Marketing

5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.

Cocktail Reception with the Board of Directors

All attendees are welcome to attend and mix and mingle with the NAMWOLF Board. 

10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Registration and Business Partner Expo

8:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Amazing Race Around Fort Lauderdale

Join us as we do a mini version of “The Amazing Race”! The Emerging Leaders created this fun, lively and interactive networking session and it has become one of the most popular events. You will be assigned a team and be given a list of tasks to complete. The first one back to the Marriott Harbor Beach is the winner.

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8:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Tennis Outing
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11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Luncheon Panel: Strategic Sourcing: Creating an Effective & Sustainable Legal Supplier Diversity Program

While some progress is underway, the legal industry still remains among the least diverse in the United States. Our panel of supplier diversity professionals will share insights for increasing Tier 1 and Tier 2 legal diversity spend.   They will articulate the importance of in-house counsel participating in their company’s supplier diversity program and provide best practices for diverse suppliers – law firms and legal service organizations – to engage with their corporate clients.    


Jonathan Lovitz, LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)

Karmetria Dunham Burton, Delta Airlines

Terrence Clark, New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council

Adrienne L. Fox, Novartis Services, Inc.

Ruth Estrella Pujols, GlaxoSmithKline

Michael Untch, Aon Service Corporation

1:10 p.m. - 2:25 p.m.

Law Firm Only Meeting

Law Firm Members will have a presentation on the state of the organization, presented by the Board of Directors and the NAMWOLF CEO.

1:10 p.m. - 2:25 p.m.

Legal Department Deep Dive (In-House Only Session)

Honda and Walgreens will present an open discussion regarding their use of NAMWOLF Law Firms. Whether it is your first NAMWOLF meeting or your tenth, you are sure to leave this session with takeaways and best practices.

2:35 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Advisory Council Business Meeting

2:35 p.m. - 4:05 p.m.

Law Firm Cross Marketing Session: Law Firm Cross Marketing Session:  Activating the Business Development Power of Your NAMWOLF Relationships

For the past few years, the cross-marketing sessions have focused on developing relationships and building trust among law firm members.  This year, we are going to dive more deeply into what comes next — examining successful partnerships among firms and exploring real-world ways that firms can work together to maximize their potential for client development.   There will be something for new and seasoned law firm members, and there may even be some prizes for participants who come up with the most creative cross-marketing plans!

3:20 p.m. - 4:05 p.m.

Inclusion Initiative Business Meeting

4:15 p.m. - 5:50 p.m.

Is Your Pitch Perfect? In-House Counsel Help Law Firm Members Perfect Their Pitches

Whether you’re in-house counsel or a law firm member, the annual Pitch Perfect session is perfect for you!  NAMWOLF Law Firm Members will have the opportunity to make a 15-minute “pitch” to a panel of in-house counsel.  Law firms will receive real-time feedback on perfecting their pitches. Additional in-house counsel are invited to watch in the audience and provide additional feedback. Once the pitch is complete, the law firm will obtain feedback on its presentation and how its pitch can be improved.   Although the pitches are “mock,” many in-house counsel on the panels and in the audience take the opportunity to source prospective law firms. Non-pitching members in the audience learn best practices and foibles to avoid in pitching for work.  Detailed information will be emailed to Law Firms in preparation for this great session that gets bigger and better each year.

5:55 p.m. - 6:55 p.m.

Cocktail Reception

7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Registration and Business Partner Expo

8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

Emerging Leaders Session: Coping with the Stresses of the Legal Profession: Change the Way You Think

Lawyers work in an adversarial system with demanding schedules and heavy workloads, which contributes to increased stress levels, anxiety, and depression.  This holds lawyers back from a fulfilling life.  In this CLE, you will learn how to continue to think like a lawyer, but not stress like a lawyer.  Panelists will discuss effective strategies to address a busy lawyer’s mental health and increase resilience, effective time management to reduce stress, and protecting and maintaining a healthy work life balance.


Joel Stern, NAMWOLF

Brian Idehen, Burgher Gray, LLP

Harold Pryor, Hotwire Communications

Katie B. Johnson, Sutton|Booker P.C.

Sharhonda Robinson-Edwards, Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel

Christine Louissaint, Universal Property and Casualty


8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

Law Firm Management Session: Cybersecurity and Law Firms:  When the Protectors of Information are Under Attack

ABA Formal Opinion No. 483 makes it clear that now, more than ever, lawyers and legal organizations must be fully prepared to address a cybersecurity incident.  Additionally, many of our clients, especially financial institutions are requiring all service providers to institute information security standards that are at least as robust as their own. What should law firms be doing? What are the best practices that our firms have in place?   What are our ethical obligations to clients and required by our bar associations?  Come to listen, learn and share your experiences protecting data, dealing with and responding to data breaches and cyber threats targeted at lawyers and law firms.


8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

In-House Counsel Session: Turning the Tide: In-House attendees share and learn from each other on their use of NAMWOLF Firms

Join us for a workshop session to learn from each other about how to effectively identify, onboard, and promote the use of NAMWOLF law firm members.

9:25 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.

Labor & Employment PAC CLE: The 2020 Election: The Workplace Issues Shaping The Election And The Future For Employers

In this debate format presentation, eight labor and employment experts will answer the question that Americans want answered—how will the next election impact the future of the workplace.  Our experts will debate what issues appear to be of great importance to voters.  Our experts also will debate what the outcome of the election may do in terms of laws being enacted, changed, or repealed, the strategic enforcement plans of the administrative agencies overseeing enforcement of workplace laws, and the leanings of the courts interpreting workplace laws.


Brian L. Lerner, Kim Vaughan Lerner LLP

Chandra C. Davis, McFadden Davis, LLC

John A. Ferguson, Jr., Schmoyer Reinhard LLP

Katherine M.L. Pratt, Wells, Anderson & Race, LLC

Kathryn Hackett King, BurnsBarton PLC

Kerrie R. Heslin, Nukk-Freeman & Cerra, P.C.

Lourdes E. Wydler, Marrero & Wydler

Susan D. Koval, Nemeth Law PC

Anne Bancroft, Exelon Business Services Company

Kellen T. Myers, General Motors

David B. Schaffer, Allstate Insurance Company

9:25 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.

Products Liability PAC CLE Session: Total Recall: Strategies and Best Practices in Product Recalls

This presentation will focus on best practices for handling product recalls and offer perspectives and guidance from both in-house and outside counsel experienced in managing product recalls.  The panel will discuss best practices for evidence handling, investigations, implementing the recall plan, and managing and mitigating legal risks.  The panel will discuss their own experiences in managing recalls and lessons learned from those experiences.


Stephanie Douglas, Bush Seyferth PLLC

Spiwe L. Jefferson, Blackwell Burke P.A.

Elizabeth C. Rein, Wilson Turner Kosmo LLP

Katherine L. McDaniel, T-Mobile

Sandra Rodriguez, Managing Counsel, Product Liability, Toyota Motor North America

9:25 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.

Financial Services Litigation PAC CLE Session:  Regulation Best Interest – Regulation, Litigation and Compliance Issues 

Regulation Best Interest (“Reg BI”) is an expansive change for the financial services industry that will create new regulatory, litigation, and compliance issues and impact the fundamental business structure of broker-dealers. The development of core compliance and supervisory components will help firms address the burden on compliance departments in the broker-dealer industry, while putting systems in place to deal with any litigation risk that might accrue as a result of the changing standard of conduct.  This Panel will address many of the numerous issues that firms will face as of June 30, 2020 – the date for compliance with the new rule.  The Panel makeup will include compliance professionals, litigators, and regulatory professionals dealing with the preparation for and eventual compliance with Reg BI. The Panel will include in-house and outside counsel, and will ideally include regulators and/or enforcement personnel with a focus on educating the audience as to what to expect with respect to government and self-regulatory agencies’ plans to ensure compliance, as well as the view of in-house personnel on what they are doing to prepare for this rapidly-approaching deadline. 


Coren Harris Stern, Leon Cosgrove, LLP

Alise Johnson, US Securities and Exchange Commission

Nicole James Gilchrist, Thrivent Financial

Caroline Hall, Janney Montgomery Scott

Alex Sarafoglu, Bank of America

Gabrielle Gonzalez, Liebler, Gonzalez & Portuondo



9:25 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.

International Law PAC CLE Session: When Your Deal Becomes Part of US Foreign Policy: Don’t Miss These Critical “Must Know” 2019 Changes In US Law That Could Impact Transnational Deals

You’ve seen the headlines:  Huawei, CFIUS, OFAC, tariffs.  But what do they mean in practice for US and other multinational companies?   The US government is increasingly leveraging existing laws that control how US and non-US multinational companies interact with investors, business partners and governments to further US national security and foreign policy interests.   While these laws and regulations used to primarily impact the defense and banking industries, they can now have major ramifications for any US company that deals with personal data of US citizens, new/emerging and “critical” technologies, owns or leases US real estate or deals with high-profile national security countries (e.g., China).  The panel will go beyond the headlines to explain how these revised federal laws may surprise unwary companies and counsel.


Larry R. Schmadeka, Lee, Hong, Degerman, Kang & Waimey

Kristen Geyer, Culhane Meadows

James Min, LimNexus LLP

Christian Ortego, Huntington Ingalls Industries

Adrien C. Nicholson, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics


10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.

White Collar PAC CLE Session: Double Trouble – The perils and pitfalls of civil litigation during an ongoing government investigation

This presentation will focus on avoiding common issues created by civil litigation that addresses some or all of the same facts at issue in a government investigation. Using real-world examples to demonstrate best practices and what not to do, the presentation will cover prioritizing the government investigation, finding the right counsel, handling discovery, and reaching a resolution.


Rachel Fiset, Zweiback, Fiset & Coleman LLP

Cheryl Crumpton, Exelon Corporation

Melissa Pastrana, Amgen

Manny Medrano, Zuber Lawler & Del Duca LLP

10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.

Retail Restaurant & Hospitality PAC CLE Session: Is Your Digital Footprint ADA Compliant? 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires certain businesses to make accommodations for individuals with disabilities. These accommodations are not just for physical spaces, but extend to digital spaces as well. This CLE will examine tools for ensuring your web and application content is accessible to the individuals with disabilities (e.g., blind, deaf, those who must navigate by voice, screen readers, or other assistive technologies) and recent case law as cautionary and successful tales.


Amy Miletich, Miletich PC

Patricia Premeau, Rusing Lopez & Lizardi

Chandra C. Davis, The Employment Law Solution

Sarah Perez, Perez Morris

Kim Metrick, Walgreens


10:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.

Insurance PAC CLE Session: Partnering with Defense Counsel and Managing Your Legal Spend

This panel will discuss how to manage the tripartite relationship in the world of insurance defense.  Specifically, explaining the roles of defense counsel, carrier/claims professional and the client/insured and the impact each role has on the claims/litigation handling and resolution processes. The panel will discuss the strategies and best tips at mediation and how defense counsel and claims professional can work as a defense team to optimize results.  Our panelists will also give tips on how to develop a plan to manage the cost of litigation as well as discuss different fee arrangements, and the benefits of each.


Niva Harney-Hiller, Partner, Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel

Nick Grinnell, Sompo Intenational

Michael Knight, Nationwide Insurance

Felicia Long, Hill, Hill, Carter, Franco, Cole & Black, P.C. 

12:05 p.m. - 1:25 p.m.

Luncheon Keynote Speaker


Ana Salas Siegel, General Counsel, NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises

1:35 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Intellectual Property PAC CLE Session: The ABCs of AI and IP: How Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and Trade Secrets Factor Into the Artificial Intelligence Equation 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning is finding its way into our vehicles, cell phones and homes.  We will explore how to formulate and implement a holistic IP strategy for such a ubiquitous area of technology.


Del Jordan, Jordan IP Law LLC

Julio M. Loza, Loza & Loza, LLP

Derek Lam, Kim IP

Peter Tu, Signum Biosciences, Inc.

Juan Gonzalez, Mastercard


1:35 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Trials PAC CLE Session: Say What?! No, Really, Don’t Say That: Motions In Limine

Motions in limine are a vital component of a trial lawyer’s toolbox.  After a brief overview of the goals and mechanics of MILs, we’ll quickly delve into the substance, including some “must file” MILs by subject area (commercial, employment, professional liability, products liability, etc.), the consequences for non-compliance with MIL rulings, and how to preserve error by obtaining a definitive ruling.


Sandy Morris, Valentine Austriaco & Bueschel

Nelson C. Bellido, ROIG Lawyers

Christine P. Hsu, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Cisselon Nichols Hurd, Shell Oil Company

Honorable Judge Frank Ledee, Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida (Broward County)


1:35 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Transactional PAC CLE Session: Legal Opinions In Commercial and Real Estate Transactions

The objective of this seminar is to analyze the various parts of legal opinions that are typically given in commercial and real estate transactions and include a discussion of the due diligence that is required to be performed before each of the opinions can be rendered.  It will also include a discussion on the purposes of opinion letters, ethical considerations in rendering them, general procedures that should be followed, and liability that may result.


Jacklyn Fetbroyt, Kang Haggerty & Fetbroyt

Roland Sanchez-Medina, Jr., SMGQ Law

Lauren Mack, Reyes Kurson

Lisa D. Love, Moderator, Love and Long LLP

Oonagh Deasy, Freddie Mac

3:00 p.m. - 5:05 p.m.

Is Your Pitch Perfect? In-House Counsel Help Law Firm Members Perfect Their Pitches

Whether you’re in-house counsel or a law firm member, the annual Pitch Perfect session is perfect for you!  NAMWOLF Law Firm Members will have the opportunity to make a 15-minute “pitch” to a panel of in-house counsel.  Law firms will receive real-time feedback on perfecting their pitches.  Additional in-house counsel are invited to watch in the audience and provide additional feedback. Once the pitch is complete, the law firm will obtain feedback on its presentation and how its pitch can be improved.   Although the pitches are “mock,” many in-house counsel on the panels and in the audience take the opportunity to source prospective law firms. Non-pitching members in the audience learn best practices and foibles to avoid in pitching for work.  Detailed information will be emailed to Law Firms in preparation for this great session that gets bigger and better each year.

5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.

Cocktail Reception

6:15 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Dine Arounds by PAC/Industry

8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Insurance PAC Business Meeting

8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

White Collar Defense and Internal Investigations PAC Business Meeting

8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Products Liability PAC Business Meeting

9:05 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.

Intellectual Property PAC Business Meeting

9:05 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.

Labor & Employment PAC Business Meeting

9:05 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.

Retail Restaurant & Hospitality PAC Business Meeting

9:05 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.

Financial Services Litigation PAC Business Meeting

9:55 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Transactional PAC Business Meeting

9:55 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

International Law PAC Business Meeting

9:55 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Trials PAC Business Meeting