7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. |
Registration and Business Partner Expo
7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. |
Continental Breakfast
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. |
General Session
Keynote Speaker: Wanji Walcott, SVP and General Counsel, PayPal
9:25 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. |
CLE Session: Avoiding the Crosshairs of Consumer Protection Regulators and Class Action Lawsuits
The consumer protection landscape continues to evolve and confuse businesses subject to its changing standards. Leveraging the experience of consumer protection defense attorneys, regulators, and in-house counsel, our panel will discuss the greatest risk areas and share key strategies to avoid becoming a target of consumer protection regulators and opportunistic litigators. Key topics covered will include: Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts and Practices (UDAAP) concerns related to social media, price disclosures and general marketing & advertising; privacy law developments; and the ever-changing Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
Helen Mac Murray, Mac Murray & Shuster LLP
Lauren Krasnodembski, Cardinal Health
Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General
Nathan B. Wilcox, Vivint, Inc.
Philip J. Kantor, Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A.
9:25 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. |
CLE Session: “Dude, Where’s My Car?” – The Emergence of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies
Over the last several years, automobile manufactures have made several semi- autonomous vehicle technologies standard in new vehicles, leading towards the deployment of fully autonomous vehicles that will navigate roads of tomorrow. This presentation discusses those technologies as well as the benefits and dangers they present. Additionally, the course will discuss current and proposed regulations which will govern autonomous vehicles and the impact of fully autonomous vehicles on claims investigations, negligence liability, and products liability.
Sharhonda Robinson-Edwards, Roig Lawyers
Marla Gilreath, Nationwide Insurance Company
Wendy Wilcox, Skane Wilcox LLP
9:25 a.m. – 10:25 a.m. |
CLE Session: Technology? Not billable…not for me. Technology Proficiency an Ethical Obligation to your Client
The practice of law exists in the world of Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. Law departments are now managing heavier litigation loads paired with tighter budgets and limited resources. Technology can help by increasing productivity, saving time, and earning credibility in a fast-changing world.
Clients today, including jurors, expect that counsel have a general understanding of technology with regards to proficiency, security, and trends within the legal industry. Attorneys have a professional duty and ethical obligation to their clients to represent and protect them by making sure they are doing everything they can to present the facts of the case in the best way possible. This cannot be accomplished if counsel is not cognizant of modern trends and technological advancements available to them.
Technology is a lawyer’s best advocate and embracing it during your discovery phase and into your trial will give your clients the competitive advantage they need. Join KusarGlobal Litigation Services and our panel of experts as we discuss leveraging change with the following topics: changing trends, the duty of competency, obstacles, immediate solutions, as well as trial integration and presentation.
Darth Vaughn, Sanders Roberts LLP
Casey Flaherty, Sanders Roberts LLP/Procertas
Dennis Garcia, Microsoft
Crystal L. Van Der Putten, Livingston Law Firm
Stefani Washburn, KusarGlobal Inc.
10:35 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. |
CLE Session: Keeping the Bad Guys Out: Critical Security Updates
The emergence of cloud computing and other information technologies has been a boon for the legal industry but the ability to effectively secure sensitive information has never been more challenging. Data breaches grow more numerous with each passing year – both in the rise of criminal activity – but also because many are the result of employee or system error. This workshop will review the legislative and business needs driving security and offer practical “best practices” for protecting your law firm and client data security.
Michael Kraft, Kraft Kennedy
John Kogan, Kraft Kennedy
Julanne Montville, American Express Corporation
Damian J. Martinez, Andrade Gonzalez LLP
Catherine Castaldo, Nuance Communications
10:35 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. |
CLE Session: OMG Did We Actually Say That? Avoiding Defamation Liability in the Age of Fire, Fury, and Fake News
This CLE will focus on the practical aspects of defamation litigation, analyzing a series of potentially defamatory statements. Hypotheticals may be presented under a scenario in which a client has recently issued a statement and has been placed on notice that it may be sued over that statement, or on a “pre-publication” basis – e.g., the client plans to issue a given statement about an identified third party, and seeks advice on potential exposure to defamation claims.
Marc M. Berg, J. Selmer Law, P.A.
Jim McGuire, Thomas & LoCicero
Melanie Okon, Okon Hannagan
Stephanie Zapata Moore, Vistra Energy
Lawrence Morgan, Republic Services
10:35 a.m. – 11:35 a.m. |
CLE Session: Verdict Vigilance: Preventing, Spotting, and Preserving Verdict-Related Issues
Civil juries sometimes deliver perplexing verdicts, reflecting inconsistent liability findings or a jury compromise (as when a jury resolves a disagreement about liability by awarding inadequate damages). Though not always apparent, these verdicts sit on a razor’s edge, and an attorney must exercise “verdict vigilance” at every juncture: pre-verdict, post-verdict, and on appeal. With proper attention, verdict inconsistencies can often be avoided altogether. And when verdict-related issues do arise, preserving those issues for appeal can make or break your entire case.
Jessica Currie, BSP Law
Sarah Nicolas, Ramon Worthington Law Firm
Jessica Zacharski, Ford Motor Company
Jasmin Morad Rinna, Honda North America, Senior Counsel
11:35 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. |
Lunch and Learn Pick-Up
Pick up you lunch and head to a CLE session.
11:50 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. |
CLE Session: Master the Tools, Master the Courts
Technology is the new standard – a currency that the world uses to advance and get ahead. In this world, winners and losers are determined by who possesses, and can capably wield, current technology.
In this CLE for credit, we look at how this applies to the courts, where failure to demonstrate such competence can have serious repercussions, resulting in collection errors, misidentification of data, and insecure handling of the data. At best, the client will suffer excessive legal fees, and at worst, sanctions.
With new advanced technology emerging all the time in eDiscovery and forensic collection, attorneys and their staff must be able to keep up with a moving target. Join RVM as we examine what it means to be technologically competent in a changing legal environment, and how you can master the tools of the trade.
Cynthia Parks, Parks IP Law
Jeanne Somma, RVM Enterprises
Jason M. Ryan, CenterPoint Energy
Francine Friedman Griesing, Griesing Law, LLC
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11:50 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. |
CLE Session: NAMWOLF, M.E.: Autopsies of Failed Investigations
Under a wide range of different laws, a company’s response to an internal or external complaint, and the investigation that underlies that response, may provide a valid defense to limit or even avoid liability. At a minimum, the investigation will assist the company in being able to quickly assess potential liability in order to then map out an appropriate strategy going forward at an early stage. This CLE will provide case studies of where investigations have gone wrong and how misteps in those investigations led to unfortunate consequences for companies. In addition to analyzing these investigiations, the CLE will provide best practices and practical tips to consider when conducting an investigation.
Brian L. Lerner, Kim Vaughan Lerner LLP
Ann Chen, Abbott Laboratories
Frank Bear, Walgreen Co.
Holly English, Nukk-Freeman & Cerra, P.C.
Laurie A. Rompala, Valentine Austriaco & Bueschel P.C.
Kimberly W. White, Ingredion Incorporated
Brooke Bathras, Bank of America
11:50 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. |
CLE Session: Labor Board and Employee Handbook BINGO: How the New NLRB is Making Life a Little Less Complicated
This lively and interactive program will review recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board that impact the lawfulness of employee handbook provisions and workplace employment policies. The panel will also review and examine other recent NLRB decisions and pending cases before the agency, which could have a significant impact on all workforces – both unionized and unrepresented.
Kirsten B. White, Schwartz Hannum PC
Jonathan Andrews, Andrews Lagasse Branch and Bell
Angela Ruggiero, Eversource Energy
Maureen Maley, Penn National Gaming
1:05 p.m. – 3:35 p.m. |
Law Firm Expo
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3:50 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
In-House ONLY Session: How In-House Counsel and NAMWOLF Firms Can Effectively Work together to Manage Cybersecurity Risks
In-House ONLY Session
Jason Straight, UnitedLex
Justi Rae Miller, State Farm
Kelly Harris, Prudential
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3:50 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
Law Firm Management Session: Law Firm Management: Instilling an Ownership Mentality & Assembling the Right Team
The Law Firm Management’s session will focus on methods to cultivate a culture of autonomy and inspire team members to take ownership in their jobs and the firm. We will also discuss the “who”, “how” and “what” of assembling, compensating, and utilizing the right team members to maximize team success.
3:50 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
Emerging Leaders Session: CLE Session: Bias Busting In the Courtroom, the Boardroom and Every Day
This panel discussion on the ethical issues currently trending in diversity including biases at work, the courtroom, the board room, and in our daily lives with a specific focus on whether or not we as attorneys have been equipped with the correct tools to determine whether the biases we encounter impact how we practice.
Robin A. Wofford, Wilson Turner Kosmo
Schuyler A. Smith, Hamilton Miller Birthesel
Raven Moore, McDonald’s Corporation
Maureen M. Deskins, Ocean Properties, LTD
Janeen N. Lofton, Liebler, Gonzalez & Portuondo
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. |
Cocktail Reception
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. |
CLE Session: Hey, that’s MY client! Protecting Client Lists and Confidential Customer Information When a Star Employee Jumps Ship
A company’s client lists and related intelligence, such as risk tolerance or purchasing history, are extremely valuable and must be protected. This program will explore the application of trade secret law to client lists, provide practical steps to safeguard these lists and quickly detect misappropriation, and identify the litigation options available when a former employee pilfers the company client list and uses it to solicit clients. With a Chicago pop culture theme, the program will help you answer three critical questions: (1) Are my client lists and information protected trade secrets? (2) What steps should the company take to protect this information and our client relationships? (3) Our employee just resigned, copied our client list and is soliciting our customers – how can I stop her?
Jennifer E. Novoselsky, Reyes Kurson
Cindy S. Stuyvesant, Wintrust Financial Corporation
Donyelle Gray, Illinois Human Rights Commission
Gavin McCarty, WEC Energy Group, Inc.
Anna Aguilar, Aguilar Bentley LLC
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. |
CLE Session: Big Brother Is Watching: Do Employers Have the Right to Police Employee Off-Duty Conduct?
This presentation will address the issues relating to how far an employer may legally go to monitor and discipline employees for off-duty conduct. With the increase in state legalization of marijuana for medicinal and even recreational purposes, how do these new laws impact an employer’s ability to enforce its alcohol and drug use and testing policies? Is it legal for an employer to discipline an employee whose off-duty posts on social media have a potentially negative impact on the employer’s business including its reputation and that of its management and employees? May an employer inquire about criminal activities including arrests and convictions of applicants and can it discipline existing employees for off-duty criminal activity? Is it legal to monitor an employee’s movements with GPS tracking? Attendees will learn about applicable state and federal laws and the best practices for navigating the delicate balance between employees’ off-duty conduct and the need to maintain a safe, productive and secure work environment.
Laurie E. Sherwood, Walsworth
Mary Ulmer Jones, Bank of America
Cheryl Jackson, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Cos.
Scott Freedman, Southern California Gas
Daniel N. Ramirez, Partner, Monty Ramirez Law
Chad K. Lang, Partner, SMGQ Law
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. |
CLE Session: Perfecting Your Pitch and Avoiding Ethical Pitfalls
Pitching to clients is as much art as it is science. This session will highlight the do’s and don’ts of face-to-face marketing of law firm services. See successful pitch decks, a model pitch, and real-life examples of pitching foibles with insights from in-house counsel and successful law firm marketers. Get practical tips for effective marketing and brush up on the professional and ethical rules that may impact your firm’s marketing materials and strategy.
Bacardi Jackson, Tucker Law Group
Richard Amador, Sanchez & Amador
Elizabeth Brannen Carter, Hill Hill Carter Franco Cole & Black P.C.
Nannette Fosen, State Farm
Rick Hammond, Walmart
9:25 a.m. – 10:55 a.m. |
General Counsel Panel
- Brett J. Hart, Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel, United
- Susan L. Lees, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Allstate
- Thomas S. O’Neill, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Exelon Corporation
- Karen Roberts, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Walmart Inc.
11:05 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. |
CLE Session: Did you say Mobile App?
This CLE will analyze mobile app development from several different legal standpoints. The panel will discuss privacy laws and user data concerns, software development open source considerations, and analyze the best modes of intellectual property protection for Apps, including the current state of patenting software as it relates to Apps, trademarks, and design patents.
Wendy Zimbone, Talem IP Law
Stephanie Gayden, Goldman Sachs
Sanjana Mangalagiri, Allstate Insurance Corporation
Heather Clauson Haughian, Culhane Meadows PLLC
11:05 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. |
CLE Session: Breaking Down Blockchain: It’s Not Just Bitcoin!
This presentation will provide a high-level overview of blockchain technology. Through the lens of a wide variety of use cases, we will explore the general characteristics and types of blockchain platforms, as well as the emerging legal and regulatory landscapes which underpin this technology. In this session, we will also highlight the benefits of leveraging blockchain technology across myriad industries.
Dawn Ingley, Patrick Law Group
Inderpreet Sawhney, Infosys
Victoria Libin, Accenture
Dauna Williams, Burgher Gray, LLP
Dorothy Giobbe, JPMorgan Chase
11:05 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. |
CLE Session: #MeToo, Now What?
This topical program examines best in-house practices for responding to sexual harassment claims in the modern workplace, when to tender harassment claims to your insurer, common coverage hurdles for harassment claims under Employment Practices Liability (EPL) insurance policies, and how to effectively manage business reputation in the face of media scrutiny.
Darlene Gartrell, Aon Risk Solutions
Ellen Davis, Sard Verbinnen & Co.
Jennifer Yu Sacro, Sacro & Walker LLP
Michele Ballard Miller, Managing Partner, Miller Law Group
12:15 p.m. – 1:35 p.m. |
Luncheon Panel: Alternative Fee Arrangements: Friend or Foe?
Alternative Fee Arrangements (AFAs) have been discussed in the legal industry for decades, but they are used and implemented much less often. Corporate counsel have increasingly sought out AFAs, and yet, attorneys often wring their hands and view AFAs as an attorney’s worst enemy. But can alternative fee arrangements create allies between clients and attorneys? During this panel discussion, you will learn about AFAs put to real practice, the pro and cons of AFAs, and the risks and rewards of choosing to utilize AFAs. You decide: Friend or Foe?
Michael Canaras, The Home Depot
Lani Quarmby, Bank of America
Tiffany Ferguson, Allstate Insurance
Sonia Miller-Van Oort, Sapientia Law Group
Felicia Long, Hill Hill Carter Franco Hill & Black
1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
CLE Session: The New Age of Privacy: GDPR
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has had a tremendous impact. Failure to comply can result in fines up to 4% of a company’s annual revenue. This program will offer a primer of recommendations, tips, and information on getting compliant to avoid further risk.
Tsan Abrahamson, Cobalt LLP
Gary Lafayette, Lafayette & Kumagai
Rebecca Strutton, New York Life
Noel Elfant, DeLaval Inc.
1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
CLE Session: Untangling the Knots of Conflicting Priorities in Corporate Internal Investigations – Best Practices in Today’s Age
Public and private corporations are today being scrutinized and investigated as never before by numerous U.S. government enforcement agencies as well as local, state, and foreign government agencies. Also, private whistle-blower cases involving corporate conduct continue to be on the rise. Corporate internal investigations are complicated enough, but the situation can become even more complex when conflicting priorities-whether from a legal, strategic, or corporate governance stand point-arise. Today, these problematic tensions are more likely to arise given the international and multi-jurisdictional scope that occurs in many investigations, as well as the frequency of company’s internal or outside agencies parallel investigations. In this CLE the panel will explore and offers ways to avoid -and hopefully resolve -conflicts that can arise from the intertwined nature of modern internal investigations. Specifically, we will discuss:
- Coordinating the priorities, including consideration of privilege waivers and potential conflicts of concurrent government and company internal investigations.
- Navigating the potentially competing focus and interests of concurrent Board and company internal investigations.
- How best to handle internal investigation of employee claims of assault or harassment.
- Best practices in handling internal investigations of data privacy conflicts and security breaches.
Anthony L Schumann, Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A.
Jelahn Stewart, Walmart
Patty Eakes, Calfo Eakes & Ostrovsky PLLC
Lawrence Oliver II, The Boeing Company
Andres Rivero, Rivero Mestre
1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
CLE Session: Emojis Speaking Louder Than Words? – The Import of Emojis, Emoticons and Hashtags as Evidence at Trial # 🙂
This CLE will focus on the new body of law relating to emojis and emoticons that is just starting to develop across the United States. While emails and text messages have been common forms of evidence for the better part of two decades, emojis emoticons and hashtags are just starting to make their way into evidence (or, maybe not). In 2017, the number of people who owned a smartphone in the United States was estimated to be more than 223 million and over 2 billion worldwide. It is now estimated that more than six billion emojis are exchanged daily throughout the world. Many smartphones, such as the iPhone, have pre-programmed emojis, available for use during texts. Further, there are numerous apps that can be purchased for smartphones that give the user access to different emojis. As such, the texts and emails that are being used as evidence in court are increasingly including emojis and emoticons, as well as hastags, and the courts are left with many questions to answer, the most obvious of which is how these emojis, emoticons and hashtags should be interpreted in a certain situation. Emojis, emoticons and hashtags are no longer just for texts or social media; they are for the courts, as well. As emojis and hashtags continue to be increasingly used, it is important that lawyers be aware of their import, as well as be ready to argue issues relating to an emoji or hashtag’s meaning and admissibility to the benefit of their client.
Edward T.Kang, Kang Haggerty & Fetbroyt LLC
Linda Wong, Wong Fleming
Courtney Fong, CompTIA
Carol Payne, Estes Thorne & Carr
Cheryl Nicolson, Nicolson Law Group
David Schaffer, Allstate Insurance Company
Scott Garnick, Accenture
David Schaffer, Allstate Insurance Company
2:55 p.m. – 3:55 p.m. |
CLE Session: Public Posts, Politicking, and Protected Speech: The First Amendment at Work… Literally
Surprisingly, there is still a lot of confusion regarding protected speech in the workplace. As a general rule, the First Amendment doesn’t apply in the private sector workplace, rather it only prevents the government from limiting free speech. However, there are a number of federal and state employment laws, most notably the National Labor Relations Act, that do protect certain speech and actions by private sector employees (unionized as well as non-unionized), both within and outside of the workplace. This interactive CLE will dig into the complexities of the First Amendment and its impact on the workplace, including recent high-profile examples of employee and employer free speech wins and losses.
Sharonda P. Mills, Wyndham Destinations
John A. Ferguson, Jr., Schmoyer Reinhard LLP
Kathleen K. (Kathi) Lucchesi, Lincoln Derr PLLC
James R. (Jim) Beyer, Infosys
2:55 p.m. – 3:55 p.m. |
CLE Session: The New Era: Clouding Around with Data
The variety of cloud computing models available today offers tremendous flexibility for businesses with specific needs, but also calls for flexibility in drafting and negotiating data storage and hosting issues rather than a “one size fits all” approach. This CLE will explore the common legal issues that arise in negotiating agreements for cloud computing models and the current trends in reaching resolutions as the market adapts to evolving technology and new laws.
Alina Singer, Partner, Wargo & French LLP
Peggy A. Miller, MWH Law Group LLP
Ashley Tan, Complex Networks
Ilanit Leibowitz, Prudential Financial
Shantanu Singh, Northwestern Mutual
2:55 p.m. – 3:55 p.m. |
CLE Session: Highlighting Differences Between International Arbitration and Litigation
This presentation looks at how international arbitration and cross-border litigation share a common goal of resolving international disputes, but take fundamentally different approaches. Starting with a historical perspective on the rise of international arbitration as an alternative to litigation in the national courts, the panel would review the differences in tribunals, procedures, rules of evidence, enforceability, culture and courtroom or hearing room dynamics. The panel also provides an overview of the major arbitral bodies that administer international arbitration around the world, and touches on how those bodies are in the process of changing their own procedures and structures to meet the changing needs of international dispute resolution.
Phil Shinn, LimNexus LLP
Mimi Lee, Chevron Upstream
Jorge Mestre Rivero Mestre LLP
Lisa Savitt, The Axelrod Law Firm, P.C.
Steve Andersen, American Arbitration Association
4:05 p.m. – 5:05 p.m. |
In-House Counsel Session: Dear In House Counsel: What MIHCA Means to Me
We invite you to join this interactive session to learn why Minority In-House Counsel Association (or “MIHCA,” pronounced MEE-kah) board members, representing some of the country’s most prominent companies, are passionate about their involvement with MIHCA and why they think you should be, too! Throughout the year, MIHCA hosts nationwide programming to help in-house attorneys of color hone EQ/soft skills and build the networks they need to succeed. MIHCA also hosts an annual fall conference, and invites you to continue the conversation at their 2018 Conference in Atlanta, November 1-2.
In-House Counsel Session ONLY
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Lata Setty, Chief Intellectual Property Officer, UnitedLex
Asilia Backus, Director & Senior Attorney, Employment Law, American Airlines, Inc.
Sonya Olds Som, Partner, Major, Lindsey & Africa
Julie Mehta, Commercial Attorney, Nalco Water | An Ecolab Company
Dennis Garcia, Assistant General Counsel, Microsoft Corporate, External & Legal Affairs (CELA)
4:05 p.m. – 5:05 p.m. |
NAMWOLF Marketing Best Practices Committee Presents Presents: Unlocking the Secrets of Communication: How to Read Other People
It is a given that most attorneys possess good communication skills. But effective communication requires the ability to be able to read other people and know if/how/when to adjust your communication to ensure your message hits the mark.
This session will focus on key elements to improve your communication skills. How can you use your communication skills to improve your effectiveness? How do men and women communicate differently? What does your body language say about you? How to read faces, hands, and even feet? What is the 7%-38%-55% Communications Rule? What techniques foster multi-generational communication? These questions and many more are addressed in a session that will help you adjust and enhance your communication style.
CLE credit pending.
Lynn Fasi, Practice Growth & Marketing Consultant
7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. |
NAMWOLF Gala Awards Dinner
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