
2025 DDLC

Phoenix, Arizona
March 08
– 11, 2025


The NAMWOLF Driving Diversity & Leadership Conference (DDLC) is a great opportunity to increase your participation and relationships with NAMWOLF Law Firm Members. The DDLC also provides the opportunity to network with NAMWOLF Leadership, such as the Advisory Council and NAMWOLF Board of Directors. If you have never been to a NAMWOLF event, the DDLC is the place to start!

Who Attends?

The DDLC is attended by Law Firm Members as well as a fast-growing number of In-House Counsel who are dedicated to the mission and vision of NAMWOLF and work with us to help in identifying and achieving our goals. At the direction of our Advisory Council Members and other in-house counsel, we designed the event to provide a platform for In-House Counsel and Law Firm Members to have interactive and inclusive sessions during the meeting.

Registration Cost

The NAMWOLF Driving Diversity & Leadership Conference is FREE for in-house counsel and other corporate representatives to attend.