
Nilan Johnson Lewis, P.A.

About Nilan Johnson Lewis

Nilan Johnson Lewis (NJL) is an innovative, independent, woman-owned law firm that is a first choice for organizations across the country seeking deep expertise to solve their complex business challenges and disputes. The firm’s status as one of the largest women-owned law firms nationwide reflects NJL’s longstanding commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. We believe we deliver exceptional results precisely because we celebrate and advance the diversity of our team and clients.

Areas of Practice

NJL has expertise in five areas of law: business litigation, corporate and transactional services, health care, labor and employment, and product liability/complex torts litigation.

Clients and Industries

The firm is located in downtown Minneapolis, but our reach is national in scope. We represent Fortune 500 and multi-national companies across many industries, including retail, healthcare, technology, finance, insurance, industrial/manufacturing, professional sports, micromobility, logistics, transportation, nonprofits, foundations, and higher education.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

DEI is a founding core value of NJL. We promote diversity to remove barriers to individual achievement, cultivate each individual professional’s talents, and develop and maintain an environment that encourages openness, creativity, and innovative problem-solving. We have robust DEI initiatives tied directly to our firm’s strategic plan.

Community Recognition

  • NJL has been awarded three Hennepin County Bar Association diversity awards since 2004, the most for any law firm in Minnesota.
  • NJL is the only legal services provider to win the Minnesota Women Lawyers Leadership Award three times.
  • NJL has been ranked among the top 10 law firms—five times in the past seven years—on Law360’s list for female attorneys among firms that have 100 or fewer attorneys (Glass Ceiling Report, Best Law Firms for Female Attorneys).


Minneapolis, MN

250 Marquette Ave S. Suite 800

Practice Areas

  • ADR/Arbitration
  • Banking and Finance
  • Class Action Defense
  • Construction
  • Corporate
    • Corporate Governance
    • Crisis Management
    • Internal Investigations
    • Records Retention
  • Corporate, M&A & Securities
    • Asset Purchases, Stock Purchases, and Leveraged Buyouts
    • Corporate Governance
    • Equipment Procurement, Leasing, and Finance
    • Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances
    • Master Services and Supply Agreements
    • Mergers and Acquisitions
    • Private Placements
    • Recapitalizations, Restructures, Spin-Outs, and Divestitures
    • Venture Capital and Early-Stage Financing
  • Immigration
    • Corporate Immigration Compliance
    • Employment-Based Visas and Immigration Matters
  • Insurance
    • Agricultural
    • Auto
    • Construction
    • Environmental and Toxic Tort
    • Litigation
    • Medical Malpractice
    • Product Liability
    • Professional Liability/E&O/D&O
    • Transportation
  • Intellectual Property
  • Labor & Employment
    • Arbitration
    • Class Actions / MDL
    • Compliance
    • Drafting Employee Handbooks / Policies / Documents
    • Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation
    • ERISA
    • Immigration / I-9 Compliance
    • Investigations - Internal/Agency
    • Labor /Union
    • Leave and Pay Acts (e.g. FLSA / FMLA / Service Contracts Act / Davis Bacon Act / Walsh-Healey)
    • Litigation
    • Regulators/Regulations (e.g. DOL, NLRB, OFCCP, OSHA, OWBPA, SOX,)
    • Trade Secret
  • Litigation/Trials
    • Administrative
    • Class Action
    • Construction
    • Consumer and Product Liability Litigation
    • Corporate/Commercial (Shareholder Derivative Suits, Securities, FINRA, Antitrust, Banking, Bankruptcy, etc.)
    • Employment (HR, Discrimination, ERISA, Labor, Workers Comp, etc.)
    • Environment, Energy and Resources
    • Estate/Trust Law
    • Health and Healthcare Law
    • Higher Education
    • Insurance
    • Intellectual Property (Patent/Trademark)
    • Personal Injury (Torts, Premises Liability, Toxic Torts)
    • Professional Liability
    • Real Estate
  • Privacy and Information Security/Cyber
  • Products Liability
    • Automotive
    • Health
    • Industrial equipment
    • Litigation
    • Medical/pharmaceutical
    • Retail
  • Real Estate/Commercial Transactions
  • Transportation (Railroad, Other)

Firm Bio