
NAMWOLF Virtual Week Business Partner Form

2020 NAMWOLF Week Business Partners

Please submit your logo ASAP. You can come back to this link and upload your ad when it is due on August 5. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jane Kalata (

  • How your company's name will be displayed on the NAMWOLF website and in materials
  • Name of the person that NAMWOLF should contact for deliverables related to the Business Partner packages
  • Main contact person's email address.
  • Main contact person's phone number
  • This is the person who will be onsite representing your company at the event.
  • 2-3 words (max: 20 characters) describing your company.
  • 200 words (max: 1,000 characters) describing your company
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Available only on certain Business Partner packages for the Annual Meeting. See ad specs here:
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Your company's high-resolution logo