The International Law PAC members concentrate on cross-border matters of all types, including regulatory, litigation, and transactions. The PAC provides a forum for its members to communicate and exchange ideas regarding the interpretation and development of law and policy pertaining to international litigation, arbitration, and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), as well as cross-border transactions involving international sale or provision of goods and services, investments, and financing. In addition, the PAC serves as a platform for its members to cultivate best practices, to address current international issues, and to build intra-PAC relationships. The International Law PAC complements the other NAMWOLF PACs by bringing specialized international legal knowledge to law firms and corporations who increasingly face global legal issues.
(The PAC Member Forms button will take you to the page where International PAC members can go to submit their firm information and upload their One/Two-Page Firm Profiles for Inclusion in PAC marketing materials)