
Publish with Us

If you would like your articles to be published in our newsletter, please send them our way. Please follow the guidelines below.

2018 Article Deadlines:

May 1, 2018
August 1, 2018
November 1, 2018

Formatting guidelines for NAMWOLF Newsletter articles:

  1. Word format; Sugue font, 10 pt.; single spacing
  2. Do not indent paragraphs
  3. 800 – 1200 words
  4. Please identify the author, firm and city/state
  5. Submit a picture of the author, firm logo, and short 2-line bio at the end. Any photos and firm logos should be embedded in the article and attached as separate files.

Contact Us

For questions, or to submit articles, please contact the NAMWOLF Newsletter co-editors

Kathleen K. Lucchesi

Lincoln Derr

Angela France

Potter & Murdock P.C.

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