MIAMI, FL, March 15, 2016 – Nelson C. Bellido, managing partner of the Miami office of ROIG Lawyers, will be a panelist at the 2016 Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) Corporate Counsel Conference. He will be speaking on a panel entitled “Judges that Google: The Ethics of Judicial Use of Internet Resources” on March 18, 2016.  


Bellido will be joined by other panelists who include Minnesota Court of Appeals Judge Peter Reyes, Judge Celeste Villarreal of the Austin Municipal Courts, and Elia Diaz-Yaeger of the Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck Rankin & Hubbard firm in Louisiana. The panel will discuss the concerns of accuracy, fairness, and permanency that comes as a result of judicial searching “outside the record” and citing of Internet materials. Judges should exercise caution in accessing factual information on the Internet, making sure to not let questionable website materials improperly influence case decisions. [Read more…]



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