
Law Firm Sponsorship

By supporting NAMWOLF, your company is advancing the continued growth and success of minority and women owned law firms while helping your company achieve its diversity goals.


Champion diversity.

Demonstrate a commitment to inclusion.

Network with other In-house Counsel.

Recruit and retain top talent.

2024 ANNUAL MEETING Law Firm Opportunities

Law Firm Member Annual Meeting Sponsorship | $5000

  • 3rd Registration Free (after you purchase two full registrations) 
  • $100 off each additional registration (after purchase of two full registrations and 3rd free registration)
  • 4 custom social media postings
  • A full-color, quarter-page advertisement in the Annual Meeting Magazine
  • Your law firm name and logo/link will be listed on the NAMWOLF Event page
  • 60 second Zoom interview describing your law firm to be posted on website and distributed on LinkedIn and Twitter
  • Priority consideration for NAMWOLF 30
  • NAMWOLF will work with you to schedule interviews with 6 in-house counsel participating in the Virtual Law Firm Expo
  • Tile Ad on the NAMWOLF Website
  • Opportunity to provide a giveaway in the Conference Bag
  • Listed in NAMWOLF Mobile App as a Sponsor
  • Advanced Access to the Annual Meeting Attendee List – You will receive the list 2 weeks before everyone else (no emails)

Law Firm Member Supporting Sponsor | $2500

  • Opportunity to provide a giveaway in the Conference Bag
  • Graphic in the Magazine recognizing ALL Law Firm Sponsors
  • NAMWOLF will work with you to schedule interviews with 2 in-house counsel participating in the Virtual Law Firm Expo
  • Recognized on the Mobile App
  • 2 custom social media postings

Additional Branded Sponsorship Opportunities




Become a Law Firm Sponsor