
Lincoln Derr PLLC


  • WBE

Firm Size

  • 11-20

Willing to Act as Local Counsel

  • Yes



Lincoln Derr is a wholly women-owned civil litigation firm based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Founded in 2009, Lincoln Derr specializes in handling complex litigation matters for its diverse client base. Our attorneys represent some of the largest healthcare providers, municipalities, and Fortune 500 companies throughout the Southeast.  

We have handled a wide range of matters, from breach of contract to construction defects, professional negligence to catastrophic personal injury, and municipal liability to complex business disputes. We’ve logged more than 10,000 hours in the courtroom and 150-plus years of combined practice experience.

As a firm, our strength lies in our experience. We are trial attorneys. It’s in our blood, and it means we fight hard for our clients, no matter what — even if a case never sees the inside of a courtroom. That’s the Lincoln Derr Advantage. 

The law has a reputation for being mostly white and largely male. Our firm turns that stereotype on its head. At Lincoln Derr, women and minorities make up the majority of our team, creating an inclusive atmosphere in which our individual differences are recognized as an underutilized resource rather than a paralyzing obstacle.

Our culture promotes and rewards mutual respect, collaboration, and the free-flowing exchange of ideas, for the benefit of our team and our clients.


Charlotte, NC

4350 Congress Street Suite #575

Person of contact: Sara Lincoln

Charlotte, NC

4350 Congress Street Suite #575

Person of contact: Tricia Derr

Practice Areas

  • ADR/Arbitration
  • Banking and Finance
    • Litigation
  • Construction
    • Litigation
    • Mechanics and Materials Lien Law
  • Corporate
    • Corporate Governance
    • Crisis Management
    • Internal Investigations
  • Defamation
  • Insurance
    • Construction
    • Employment Practices
    • Environmental and Toxic Tort
    • Extra Contractual/Bad Faith
    • Litigation
    • Medical Malpractice
    • Product Liability
    • Professional Liability/E&O/D&O
    • Property/Premises/Homeowners
    • Regulatory
    • Umbrella
  • Labor & Employment
    • Arbitration
    • Class Actions / MDL
    • Compliance
    • Drafting Employee Handbooks / Policies / Documents
    • Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation
    • Investigations - Internal/Agency
    • Leave and Pay Acts (e.g. FLSA / FMLA / Service Contracts Act / Davis Bacon Act / Walsh-Healey)
    • Litigation
    • Regulators/Regulations (e.g. DOL, NLRB, OFCCP, OSHA, OWBPA, SOX,)
    • Trade Secret
  • Litigation/Trials
    • Administrative
    • Class Action
    • Construction
    • Consumer and Product Liability Litigation
    • Corporate/Commercial (Shareholder Derivative Suits, Securities, FINRA, Antitrust, Banking, Bankruptcy, etc.)
    • Criminal (White Collar)
    • Employment (HR, Discrimination, ERISA, Labor, Workers Comp, etc.)
    • Health and Healthcare Law
    • Higher Education
    • Insurance
    • Malpractice
    • Marine (Maritime, Insurance, etc.)
    • Personal Injury (Torts, Premises Liability, Toxic Torts)
    • Professional Liability
    • Restaurant Retail & Hospitality
  • Products Liability
    • Litigation
  • White Collar / Investigations
    • Compliance
    • Regulatory Investigations
    • Whistleblower

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Firm Bio



It began back in 2009, when Sara Lincoln and Tricia Derr — both seasoned and accomplished trial attorneys — came together to create a new kind of law firm. They saw a need in the industry and a demand among clients for an alternative to the big, institutional law firms — one that offered diversity, trial experience, and value. That was the foundation for Lincoln Derr, and it continues to guide our firm now, as we continue to grow and win for our clients.

It all started in a rustic courtroom in rural North Carolina. The stakes were high and the attorneys on the other side were nationally known and well-respected. Sara Lincoln and Tricia Derr had an uphill battle, a very difficult case and a client who rested his fate in their hands.

Both were seasoned trial attorneys paired together for the first time. Individually, they were equally strong-willed, competitive, and devoted. Although they had been longtime friends and colleagues, they were each accustomed to lead roles. Sara and Tricia secretly wondered whether or not their work together would be a smashing success or a complete failure.

Shortly after trial started, their chemistry in the courtroom was obvious. Sara’s tenacity and quick wit combined easily with Tricia’s innovation and intensity. The duo left little to be desired. The jury agreed and quickly returned a verdict for their client.

They knew then their skills were uniquely matched and recognized they had something special to offer clients. Although different in so many ways, Sara and Tricia shared a passion for their work, a “fire in the belly,” and the old-fashioned belief that hard work and dedication are the cornerstones to success.

A few years later, the dream of Lincoln Derr, PLLC materialized. In the economy of 2009, they saw a distinct need for diverse, high quality and creative representation – without the overhead of a big firm. So, in the Fall of 2009, they opened the doors of Lincoln Derr PLLC.

Since that time, Sara Lincoln and Tricia Derr have strategically grown through adding attorneys and staff who share in their values and desire to provide the best possible legal representation to our clients.

NAMWOLF- Lincoln Derr