
Partner Program


NAMWOLF’s approach to increasing diversity in the legal profession is unique. Many corporations and other entities, interested in achieving diversity in their outside law firms, have focused almost exclusively on the utilization of minority and female attorneys at majority firms. Yet, the available data strongly suggests that these efforts have not resulted in diversity in the legal profession. It is NAMWOLF’s view that the most effective way for corporations to increase diversity in the legal profession is to increase their retention of minority and women-owned law firms.

Minority and women owned law firms hire and promote minority and women lawyers at much higher rates than majority owned law firms. Hence, greater support of those firms will necessarily lead to greater opportunities in the legal profession for minority and women lawyers.

How does NAMWOLF work?

NAMWOLF initiates contact with major corporations and public entities on behalf of its members and encourages these corporations and public entities to form business relationships with minority and women-owned law firms.

Major public and private entities join the NAMWOLF Partner Program by pledging to set a goal of at least 5% of legal spend with certified minority and women owned law firms.   Partner status will be listed in NAMWOLF materials and celebrated at NAMWOLF events.  In addition, three higher tiers of partnership will be recognized based on actual spend with NAMWOLF member firms and efforts at increased engagement:

  • Supporting Partners: At least 1% of company legal spend is with NAMWOLF firms and either Company sends multiple participants to a NAMWOLF event each year, or is actively working with NAMWOLF to engage NAMWOLF firms.  
  • Leading Partners:  At least 3% of company legal spend is with NAMWOLF firms and either Company sends multiple participants to a NAMWOLF event each year, or is actively working with NAMWOLF to engage NAMWOLF firms.
  • Platinum Partners:  At least 5% of company legal spend is with NAMWOLF firms and either Company sends multiple participants to a NAMWOLF event each year, or is actively working with NAMWOLF to engage NAMWOLF firms. 

What are the benefits of joining?


Partners will have access to the NAMWOLF Law Firms Membership Directory. With access to this directory, corporations will have the ability to select minority and women-owned law firms by area of practice, geographic location and law firm name. Additionally, NAMWOLF provides Partners the opportunity to share best practices at our events.


NAMWOLF brings together corporate counsel and M/WBE law firms at our events, and our experts often speak and participate in a range of industry conferences.


If your corporation decides to become a member of the NAMWOLF Partner Program, NAMWOLF will issue a press release stating that your corporation has committed to set a goal of eventually expending a minimum of 5% of your outside counsel budget with certified minority and women-owned law firms.


Upon joining the NAMWOLF Partner Program, each corporation will have their name and logo listed on the NAMWOLF website, under the Partner Program Section. Additionally, each corporation and public entity will have an option to provide a link from the NAMWOLF website to the Partner Program’s web site.