If you don't see your question addressed below, please contact Jane Kalata for more information.
In-House Counsel from some of the Nation’s leading corporations attend our meetings, as well as NAMWOLF's Law Firm Members and Business Partners.
Registration is free for In-House Counsel.
Please contact Jane Kalata.
Your Company can get involved in several different ways:
In-House Counsel can be involved in several different ways:
To find a law firm member you can do a search on the NAMWOLF Website here or submit a Firm Inquiry form for more specific information requests.
Corporate members, Law Firm Members and Business Partners can reach out to Jane Kalata at jane_kalata@namwolf.org for assistance with posting jobs.
Yes, you can fill out a form, and we can do a survey of all of our firms and provide detailed responses for your needs. Click here to fill out the Firm Inquiry form to begin the solicitation process.